Another 119 deaths in Obama’s war in Afghanistan occured in 2013, bringing the total deaths of American troops to 2,162
Category: Middle East
Kerry reaches bilateral security deal with Afghanistan – indefinite troop deployment
Yet another campaign promise by Obama thrown down the toilet. Remember when US troops were supposed to be out of
Obama deal with Afghanistan includes endless military deployment
Afghanistan is the ‘good’ war for Obama. But it’s yet another lie that Obama told the American people last year
Obama to apologize to Afghanistan about Americans as part of security deal
Obama does a lot of things that get my blood to boil. But one of the most disgusting is going
CNN shame on you signs in Egypt & protests in New York
CNN Shame on you signs have popped up all over Egypt. I guess the Egyptians are finally learning what Americans
The best anti Obama protest signs in Egypt
The corrupt media is barely even reporting on the military coup in Egypt because Mohamed Morsi was Obama’s bitch. It
Obama’s Morsi supporters in Egypt torch Coptic Christian churches and homes
Obama and Hillary Clinton’s Muslim Brotherhood Mohamed Morsi supporters are mad. They have been driven out of power by a
How Obama monitored the situation in the middle east this past weekend – didn’t watxch SNL season opener, but a lot of football
When Obama wasn’t out campaigning or fundraising this past weekend, he really focused on the middle east like a laser.
At least two Americans killed by Taliban attack at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan
Muslim violence continues, and at least two more Americans have been killed as Obama goes out to campaign and fund-raise.
British paper The Independent reveals what the American media wouldn’t touch: Obama regime warned 48 hours before embassy attack, did nothing
You can’t expect the American media to do their jobs. It would make their Messiah look like the completely and