Early reports out of Iraq claim no American servicemen or women were killed in the missile attack by Iran. Also,

Early reports out of Iraq claim no American servicemen or women were killed in the missile attack by Iran. Also,
If you listened to the American traitor media, you’d think Qassem Soleimani was some sort of worshipped god in Iran.
The media continues to mourn the death of Iranian terrorist Qasem Suleimani. The latest is a dramatic piece from the
Iran and terrorists in general seem to have a fetish with cutting off heads of their enemies. Now, the Iranian
Oh no! It looks like the Iranians finally retaliated for killing their terrorist leader! They have officially pulled out of
There were a few “anti-War” protests around the country yesterday, mostly in left wing cesspools like Los Angeles, Chicago and
There’s been a lot of bluster out of Iran about how they will retaliate after we BBQed their terrorist leader
Ever wonder why Democrats are so pissed off that we killed Iranian terrorist Soleimani? Aside from the fact that the
Just when you thought you’ve seen everything from the Democrat media complex, this comes along. As if making excuses and
More airstrikes tonight in Baghdad. There are reports of five Iranian terrorists being killed, the biggest name being Shibl al-Zaydi.