Canada had a chance to elect a real leader and instead voted for the far left liberal party in Canada.

Canada had a chance to elect a real leader and instead voted for the far left liberal party in Canada.
Leave it to filthy, terrorist sympathizing Democrats like Alfred E. Neuman clone “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg to blame America for Iran
Filthy Iran was so scared during the night they fired missiles at American military bases in Iraq that they shot
We doubt CNN will bring out a miniature plane with Don Lemon and come up with conspiracy theories about what
If you needed any more proof that the media was the enemy of the American people, look no further than
Chicken-shit Iran purposely fired missiles at military bases in Iraq and made sure not to hurt or injure anyone. The
Lost in all the hysteria last night after the Iran attacks on Iraqi military bases, the “American” media acted as
Seems we don’t even have to retaliate against the filthy mullahs, as karma is doing it for us. SInce the
The first words from Trump since the Iranian attack on Iraqi military bases that house Americans has come in the
Apparently Nancy Pelosi is “closely monitoring” the attacks by Iran on Iraqi military bases as she parties it up at