Let’s go back to June of 2019, when there were reports that Trump was all ready and set to bomb

Let’s go back to June of 2019, when there were reports that Trump was all ready and set to bomb
Who’s up for some endless wars in the Middle East again? Since H.W. Bush, they have been a staple policy
One thing getting to little to no media attention is Iran’s threat to kill Trump as the one year anniversary
With all the talk recently by the fake news media and neocons about Trump striking Iran’s nuclear sites, one has
Joe Biden, the dumbest man to ever run for president is now whining that we need to remove sanctions on
Leave it to anti-Semite Ilhan Omar and the Democrats whine for the plight of Iran while American deals with the
Ok, you want to prove you aren’t scared of the coronavirus. But is licking holy sites to show how “brave”
Treasonous, snake Democrats like Chris Murphy of Connecticut always favor other countries to spite this one. Chris Murphy had a
They try to do it in secret, but their treason always rises to the top. Connecticut socialist Democrat Senator Chris
To the surprise of no one, except maybe rubes on the left and the media, Nancy Pelosi defended the Iranian