Karma is a bitch isn’t? though #ADayWithoutImmigrants turned out to be a major flop, with hardly anyone participating around the
Category: Illegal Immigration
Fake news: AP lies about illegal alien roundup
When fake news isn’t enough for hack leftist Soros propaganda outfits, they just make up their own stuff and claim
Iraqi Muslim in Chicago nabbed in ICE raids – criminal sexual abuse
So the media has been lying (again) about the ICE raids over the past weekend. Over 680 illegals were nabbed
Mexico’s Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu admits border wall coming
Reality is a bitch for Mexico.. Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu has finally come to the realization that a border
150 of 160 illegals arrested in L.A. had criminal histories
Trump isn’t taking any of Moonbeam Jerry Brown’s BS anymore. 160 illegal have been arrested over the past few days.
Previously deported illegal alien arrested for sexual assault thanks to Sally Hernandez
Sally Hernandez, the Travis County sheriff is refusing to turn illegal aliens into ICE. Juan Lopez, a previously deported illegal
Sanctuary cities received $27 Billion per year under Obama
Your tax dollars at work. Under Obama’s eight year reign of terror, Sanctuary cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago,
Triggered! Former Mexican President Fox calls Trump Hitler
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox still can’t help himself. So he went on CNN and whined about Donald Trump and
BOOM! Miami no longer a sanctuary city
Miami Florida is now longer a sanctuary city, thanks to Donald Trump. Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez, citing Trump’s executive order
Mexico Pres so bitter, he cancels meeting with Trump
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto is so bitter than Donald Trump wants to keep cartels out of this country, he