After the near riots in Burlingame and Costa Mesa, Mexican supremacists are promising more violent protests. The media code word
Category: Illegal Immigration
Mexican supremacists attack Trump supporter in Burlingame VIDEO
Gotta love the Mexican supremacists attack Trump supporters in Burlingame for daring to walk down the street with the media
Mexican supremacists need to GTFO
Mexican supremacists have been out in full force ever since Trump came to California. Hate Donald Trump? I really don’t.
Obama releases 19,723 illegals, including rapists and murderers
Obama has forced ICE to release nearly 20,000 illegal aliens. This isn’t the poor, parent-less child that the progressives always
Diseased illegal brings Zika virus to Texas
A pregnant, diseased illegal alien from El Salvador has brought the Zika virus to Texas. The diseased illegal with the
Texas border agents carry radiation detectors for terrorists
It’s come to this. The progressive open borders style of goverment has gotten so bad that in Texas border agents
Ted Cruz calls on Trump to force New York Times to release secret tape
Apparently the New York Times has a ‘secret’ tape of Donald Trump and his ‘real’ thoughts about immigration. Ted Cruz
Vanity Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter now fighting
Grab some popcorn. Vanity Faux News hack Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter are now having a pissing contest over Vanity
Joe Biden apologizes to Mexico for border-talk
Obama apologizes to Muslims for how ‘bad’ Americans have been to them. Now we got nut job old coot Joe
Donald Trump Polish workers (Rubio’s claim)
Donald Trump Polish workers. Marco Rubio has been saying to Google this during the debate in attacking Donald Trump. So