In Virigina, illegal alien MS-13 gangbangers like Walter Antonio Argueta Amaya are invited to their sanctuary state, as the state
Category: Illegal Immigration
Fake News CNN Jim Sciutto gets destroyed by DHS for lying about illegal alien terrorism
Jim Sciutto is an idiot, and a former Obama hack who found a home at CNN. They must have a
Alfonso Guerrero Ulloa – Honduran terrorist demanding $50,000 America dollars for invaders
One of the illegal alien invaders leading the so called “caravan” in Tijuana is Alfonso Guerrero Ulloa. If the name
Caravan invaders demand entry into US or $50,000 cash
Those diseased caravan invaders have sure got some chutzpah don’t they? They are now issuing demand from Tijuana. Either let
Cryin’ Chuck Schumer really is Trump’s bitch
Trump destroyed by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on live TV during their “debate” about border security in the White
63% of Non-US citizens on welfare according to census
The big magnet drawing illegal alien invaders to this country isn’t jobs. It’s welfare. That explains why at least 63%
GOP ready to propose bill to give green cards to at least 300,000 from India
Oh goodie. More amnesty from the GOP. Showing yet again how out of touch they are, the GOP in its
73.1% of Mexican citizens have an unfavorable opinion of the caravan invasion
I guess the people of Mexico don’t like the illegal alien caravan invaders either. Especially since they aren’t just bypassing
Caravan invaders moved again due to bad sanitary conditions
Diseased illegal alien invaders in Tijuana have been moved yet again due to bad sanitary conditions. Mud, lice and respiratory
Caravan invaders leave behind bottles of urine, feces and trash
Illegal alien invaders from the so called “caravan” in Tijuana are not only bringing their sickness and disease with them