Well this is interesting. Hillary Clinton has suddenly cancelled a fireworks show, planned for election night, think she was going
Category: Donald Trump
45th President of the United States
IBD-TIPP poll (most accurate of 2012) has Trump with largest lead yet
The IBD-TIPP poll in 2012 was the most accurate out of all the polls, including the so called media “scientific”
Trump has lead in Colorado early voting (Obama won in 2012)
Colorado, a state deemed “safe” for Clinton just weeks ago is starting to look bad for Hillary Clinton and the
Clinton thugs send Darrell Robinson to hospital, steal Trump sign
Be on your guard. The Clinton thugs are still out assaulting people and stealing Trump signs. This was the case
DNC directing questions to Wolf Blitzer to ask Trump. #DNCLeak2
Looks like Wikileaks is dumping more DNC e-mails. In their second DNC Leak of the day, more than 8,000 from
Kellyanne Conway owns and destroys Clinton hack Jake Tapper VIDEO
If you needed any more proof that the media is scared out of their minds about Tuesday’s election, watch CNN
Trump hits second record high in L.A. Times poll 48.2%
Yesterday, Trump hit a record high of 48% in the left wing biased L.A. Times daily tracking poll. Today, just
Austyn Crites – attacker of Trump in Reno has Hillary Clinton avatar
Austyn Crites, the thug who tried to attack Donald Trump has been identified as the thug in Reno. The media
Daily Beast Olivia Nuzzi: Trump responsible for assassination attempt
The media scum are out in full force. Olivia Nuzzi of the Daily Beast leftist trash site is blaming Trump
Photo of Trump attacker in Reno
A few photos are starting to trickle in. Nothing more is known of the attacker, aside from the fact he’s