Obama has 14 months left in office. That’s the good thing. The bad thing is that he will do whatever
Category: Barack HUSSEIN Obama
Hillary Clinton supporters endorse Sharia Law VIDEO
Hillary Clinton supporters in California all agreed with anything and everything Hillary says or does. This includes Islamic Shiria Law.
Sid Blumenthal and Hillary wanted to set up secret channels between insurgents and governments
This e-mail wouldn’t between Sid Bluementhal (basically Hillary’s own Valerie Jarrett) and Hillary Clinton about set up secret channels between
Ooops E-mail to Hillary Clinton says don’t blame video
Well lookie here. One of the e-mails dumped yesterday in document dump Friday showed an e-mail warning Hillary Clinton not
Granny Clinton turns 68 on Monday
Granny Clinton is aging fast. You can see that by just looking at her drooping face. On Monday, October 26th,
Chris Stevens sent 600 requests for security
Amb. Chris Stevens sent more than 600 requests for additional security before that fateful night of September 11th, 2012. Instead,
Hillary Clinton boozes it up after Benghazi hearing
Hillary Clinton had a party at her house last night after the Benghazi hearing. It included Indian food and plenty
ABC whines about Hillary Clinton impersonator at Trump rally
The liberal Democrat media complex doesn’t like it when people mock criminals like Hillary Clinton. Check out ABC’s digital campaign
Diane Reynolds is Chelsea Clinton pseudonym?
Did Chelsea Clinton change her name to Diane Reynolds? In an e-mail ‘with family’ Hillary Clinton e-mailed a Diane Reynolds.
Hillary Clinton coughing fit was so fake VIDEO
Hillary Clinton coughing fit was so fake at the Benghazi hearing. Usually politicians are really good actors. Hillary Clinton wasn’t.