Hillary Clinton just can’t excite voters as the following video shows. Women at a ‘crowd’ to listen to Hillary Clinton
Category: Barack HUSSEIN Obama
Hillary Clinton: Unborn fetus doesn’t have Constitutional Rights
Wicked witch Hillary Clinton is going left on abortion again, claiming those in the womb don’t have constitutional rights. Instead,
Hillary Clinton to be interviewed by FBI
Slowy but surely, the karma is catching up to Hillary Clinton. FBI Director James Comey will interview the old corrupt
Hillary dirty tricks: Sanders left off D.C. primary ballot
The Washington D.C. Democrat primary isn’t until June 14th, but Hillary Clinton and her dirty tricks are at work again.
Cackling hag Hillary Clinton laughs off Bill’s infidelity
Apparently, raping women and flying off to Epstein’s pedo Island to get some young sex is a laughing matter to
Hillary Clinton to be interviewed by FBI in #EMAILGATE
No wonder why Hillary Clinton couldn’t even crack 35% in this past weekend’s caucuses against a 74 year old communist.
Obama’s heartless responses to terrorism
Obama’s heartless response to the Brussels terrorist attack isn’t anything new for the POS. Even today, with the terrorist attack
Bernie Sanders has beaten Clinton in 5 out of the last 6 states
Hillary Clinton has to be thanking Allah for those super-delegates. Hillary Clinton has gotten slaughtered in five out of the
Clinton tactics in Hawaii – Sanders supporters told to leave
After two absolutely humiliating losses to Bernie Sanders earlier today, it looks like Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Crime Family
Hillary Clinton slaughtered in Washington, Alaska
The old corrupt granny liar Hillary Clinton is feeling the bern today. Not only did Hillary Clinton lose Washington and