NBC is at it again. Melanie Standiford a Nebraska reporter for NBC KNOP-TV has been fired because it was discovered

NBC is at it again. Melanie Standiford a Nebraska reporter for NBC KNOP-TV has been fired because it was discovered
The reason why Ilhan Omar and Ocasio-Cortez can do their “staged” phony protests pretending to be handcuffed is because they
You know, if you are going to pretend that you got handcuffed like AOC and Ilhan Omar did at today’s
Wait, I thought protesting at the Capitol was bad, was an basically sedition or an insurrection? Several communist Democrats were
Oh no! Whatever will this country do! This squishy, worthless, European Parliament has voted to “condemn” American for the SCOTUS
Kamala Harris always seems to get the assignment that dumb Joe Biden just doesn’t want to deal with. Biden is
The left wing extremists, who are really triggered over the Roe V. Wade SCOTUS decision decided to vandalize Fox News
Leave it to a CNN and The View “Republican” to defend abortion based on aborting babies that are special needs.
It’s just so funny how radical these communist Democrats have turned in the last 15-20 years or so. Just sixteen
The left will undoubtably get violent tonight and/or this weekend. But instead of getting violent, I have a better idea