From the clown who said all women who get an abortion should be punished, Donald Trump wants the GOP to
Category: Abortion
Oops. She did it again. Hillary Clinton child on due date has no constitutional rights
Ooops. Hillary Rotten Clinton did it again. Taking her clown show to the cackling hags on The View, Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton: Unborn fetus doesn’t have Constitutional Rights
Wicked witch Hillary Clinton is going left on abortion again, claiming those in the womb don’t have constitutional rights. Instead,
Trump wants “punishment” for women who get abortions
The Donald Trump clown show has rolled into MSNBC where tonight, he is doing an interview for some reason with
CNN Carol Costello found Doritos ultrasound ad disturbing
Remember when the liberal media couldn’t help but fall over themselves when the gay Doritos ad was released? They cackled
Ohio Planned Parenthood steam-cooked fetuses
Planned Parenthood abortion mills are reportedly steam-cooking fetuses of dead babies, then dumping them into landfills in Kentucky. That’s just
Chris Cuomo blames Carly Fiorina for Colorado PP shooting VIDEO
Leftist hacks, especially Chris Cuomo have been salivating ever since the nut job shot up a Planned Parenthood in Colorado
Carly Fiorina schools Chris Wallace on Planned Parenthood
Carly Fiorina schooled arrogant Chris Wallace over Planned Parenthood on Fox News Sunday. Wallace, like the rest of the leftist
Robert Lewis Dear Jr. said ‘No More Baby Parts’?
Now the leftist media is claiming ‘sources’ are claiming Robert Lewis Dear Jr. said no more baby parts while taken
No injuries to staff or patients at Planned Parenthood
No injuries or deaths of staff or patients at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood have been reported. One Colorado University