The reaction of Biden’s crooks Tony Blinken, Lloyd Austin and John Kirby was priceless last night when idiot Biden called
Category: 2024 elections
Media fawns over Biden’s gaffe filled “big boy” press conference
Despite the gaffe filled, incoherent rambling of Joe Biden during his “big boy” press conference, the media is still fawning
Check out Zelensky’s reaction after Biden calls his President Putin
The “big boy” press conference was a complete dumpster fire as expect. No questions from Peter Doocy, about Clooney or
Milwaukee radio station Civic Media agreed to edit interview with Joe Biden at White House request
And now we have another corrupt, left wing media editing interviews with Joe Biden at the request of the White
Biden campaign thinks Obama is working behind the scenes to dump Joe according to “Morning Joe”
Gee…. Too bad….. Joey thinks Obama is stabbing Biden in the back and organizing behind the scenes a sort of
Fox News trying to revive the Russia helping Trump win 2024 election BS again
The hacks at the Paul Ryan network strike again. While the rest of the media is in a panic over
Joey Biden’s “Big Boy” press conference delayed an hour to 6:30pm EDT
Bad news for sleepy Joe Biden who his own staff only functions between 10am and 4pm… The “Big boy” press
Maxine Waters wig gave her problems during CNN interview
Democrats are melting down in all shapes and sizes. Chucky Schumer puts cheese on raw burgers, Joe Biden is the
Racist Nancy Pelosi melts down at black reporter asking her about vegetable Joe Biden
The pressure really seems to be getting to the old plastic faced drunk Nancy Pelosi…… She is trying her best
Lester Holt will be doing a sit down with Joe Biden on Monday, July 15 (first night of the RNC convention)
Now it’s NBC and Lester Dolt’s turn to try and save Biden’s ass. ABC and George Stephanopoulos couldn’t pull it