Joe Biden, the dumbest man to ever run for president is now whining that we need to remove sanctions on
Category: 2020 Election
Did MSNBC give Sleepy Joe Biden interview questions ahead of time? Watch Biden check his notes
Sleepy Joe Biden isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, that’s for sure. It appears now that left wing Chinese
Dumb, senile Joe Biden calls COVID-19 the Luhan Virus at least twice
As Joe Biden gets dumber and dumber and more irrelevant, he continues to embarrass himself. He’s now calling Covid-19 the
Strong enthusiasm for Joe Biden among his supporters is the lowest on record for a Democrat presidential candidate
Meanwhile, you have Sleepy Joe Biden, who did pretty good with that toad Chuck Todd earlier today. I’ll give credit
Alleged rapist Joe Biden campaign spokeswoman says Tara Reade’s claims are false
Alleged rapist Joe Biden wants you to believe all woman who claim sexual assault or harassment against them, except one
Time’s up (which refused legal help to Tara Reade) founded by SKDKnickerbocker (which Biden gave $806,000 to)
Oh, so that’s why Times’ Up really refused to help Tara Reade, an alleged rape victim of Joe Biden and
Loony toons! Watch Democrat Haley Stevens has meltdown in Congress
You can almost hear the loony toons theme in the background as far left whack job Haley Stevens of Michigan
Tara Reade accused Biden of penetrating her with his fingers
So Joe Biden is a rapist just like Bill Clinton. At least if you believe Tara Reade, a former Biden
Dr. Karlyn Borysenko has voted Democrat for the last time over their stimulus delays and games
Meet Dr. Karlyn Borysenko. She was a life time Democrat voter. Dr. Borysenko, like the rest of America are sick
Watch: Is Biden sick (other than in the head?), coughing like Hillary on CNN
Is Joe Biden more sick than is otherwise in front of everyone’s face? We all know the dude is losing