It doesn’t seem too long ago that pig John Kasich, a faux Republican was on Faux News and would cream
Category: 2020 Election
Kamala Harris shows what happens when botox goes wrong
Kamala Harris looks like she followed her communist idol Nancy Pelosi in getting a bunch of botox work done on
Why Joe Biden is the Metamucil Marxist.
Remember not so long ago when the media tried to convince that old, senile, Joe Biden was a moderate? Remember
Biden campaign staffer Sara Pearl mocked cops as worse than ‘pigs’, deletes tweet
So all of the media is up in Chris Wallace’s balls because he carried water for Biden claiming Biden doesn’t
Joe Biden: ‘Highways Have Been Built to Enforce Racial Segregation’
Remember, the nest time you get on a highway, that will make you a racist and a segregationist. Because according
Joe Biden can’t even secure his Twitter account, gets hacked by cryptocurrency hackers
Stupid, dumb, senile Joe Biden can’t even keep his Twitter account safe, how the hell would he keep this country
Biden the Maoist, quotes Mao Zedong in speech
So not only is racist rapist Joe Biden in the pocket of China, he’s also a communist Maoist. When giving
The communist left has gone from ‘believe all woman’ to ‘believe all racism claims’ (because of rapist Biden?)
It seems like so long ago. Everything was “believe all woman”. During the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, the communist left and
Ghislaine Maxwell filmed at least two “high profile” US politicians having sex with underage girls
Let the speculation begin. Also, move up the count down clock on Ghislaine Maxwell’s ClintonCIDE clock. Maxwell has taped at
Mr. Magoo Jeff Sessions whines about Trump, know’s he’s toast in Tuesday’s runoff
The traitor, Mr. Magoo Jeff Sessions who couldn’t handle the job handed to him on a silver platter (Attorney General)