As of 11am MDT, Maricopa County, the most populous county in Arizona is still a huge 3:1 advantage in Republican
Category: 2020 Election
Trump crushes Biden in first in the nation voting in Millsfield, New Hampshire. Leads state 16-10.
The first in the national midnight voting has begun in New Hampshire, two of three of the normal polling places
Watch: Joe Biden had ‘one last thing’ to say, but can’t after DJ blasts music
Joe Biden’s campaign is mercifully over. His last event in Philadelphia (a place to watch for mass voter fraud tomorrow)
Trump campaign predicts absolute landslide in Pennsylvania
There’s a reason why Joe Biden pulled a Hillary Clinton tonight and had all the talentless Hollywood hacks come out
Vox’s Matt Yglesias encourages readers to smash windows at Trump hotel in DC (deletes tweet)
Now the media is openly calling for rioting tomorrow night after Trump beats stupid Biden. Vox’s Matt Yglesias tweeted (then
Kamala Harris tweets video praising Marxism-communism
So Kamala Harris is finally out of the closet and praising Marxism/communism. This is what’s at stake in tomorrow’s election.
Biden going down in Pennsylvania, going to Pittsburgh after losing liberal paper’s endorsement
If you live in Pittsburgh, keep your children save, cause sleepy creepy rapist criminal Joe Biden is making an emergency
Hunter Biden sold the Clintons’ phone numbers the Chinese Communist Party LOL!
Seems Hunter Biden sold out his own party, the communist Democrats to the Chinese Communist Party. Not only did he
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (left wing newspaper) endorses Trump (Republican) for first time in 48 years
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is another left wing newspaper that obviously covers the Pittsburgh, PA area. But something shocking has happened.
Republicans leading in Washoe County (Reno, Nevada), early ballots returned in virtual tie
Republicans typically lose Washoe County, Nevada which is Reno. For instance, during the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton won that county