Remember when David Axelrod worked for Obama-Biden? Now, Axelrod works for CNN and you would figure he’d get a thrill
Category: 2020 Election
Joe Biden promises to cure cancer if elected LOL
Bumbling, stumbling creepy Joe Biden once again showed how desperate he is, promising the gathering of a couple of dozen
Who is more popular in liberal New York City? Trump or de Blasio?
Imagine if you will, a liberal shithole like New York City. Communist mayor Bill de Blasio has been elected twice
Biden’s flip flopping on abortion dwindles his lead in Iowa
As lazy, old and senile Joe Biden continues his Hillaryesque campaign style of avoiding people and flip-flopping, it’s finally starting
Lazy Biden skips Iowa weekend, still tries to figure out which state Stacey Abrams is from
Lazy, old and senile Joe Biden is more low energy than even Jeb Bush was in 2015 and 2016. The
60% of voters find Democrat presidential candidates ‘Underwhelming’
What a group of losers. It seems Americans aren’t impressed with the clown car of Democrat candidates, staring Joe Biden,
Oh no! Willard Mitt Romney may not endorse Trump in 2020
The rat, Willard Mitt Romney, who didn’t endorse Trump in 2016 says he may not endorse him in 2020 because
Senile old Joe Biden thinks Stacey Abrams ran for governor in Florida (it was Georgia) VIDEO
Joe Biden continues to stumble and bumble in his campaign to win the 2020 Democrat nomination. After yesterday’s flip-flopping on
Biden cracked slavery joke, referring to himself in the third-person as young, new white knight in ’73
If you are a Democrat, you can crack slavery jokes. Considering that the Democrats are the party of slavery it’s
Biden caves on Hyde Amendment, blames Republicans
Crooked, creepy, sleepy Joe Biden sure is flip flopping faster than Hillary Clinton these days. Yesterday, after claiming he would