Oh yes, the famous Hillary Clinton cackle. The old bag was given a softball interview by Jake Tapper on CNN
Category: 2016 Elections
Four reasons not to vote for Hillary Clinton
There are so many reasons why people should not vote for Hillary Clinton. The FBI investigation is just the latest
Hillary Clinton booed by hundreds of Latinos in San Antonio
The media was so proud to promote the Hillary Clinton rally in San Antonio with Julian Castro. Hillary Clinton will
CNBC caves to Donald Trump – GOP debate only 2 hours
After Donald Trump and Ben Carson threatened to boycott the CNN debate on October 28 because they extended it for
Hillary Clinton e-mail focus on gross negligence and obstruction of justice
At the Democrat staged CNN debate that was obviously rehearsed, Bernie Sanders said to Hillary Clinton that no one cares
Hillary Clinton Spanish posters inspired by Stalin
The La Raza wing of the Democrat party is putting out Spanish Hillary Clinton posters that appear to be inspired
Ben Carson may boycott CNBC GOP debate too
So CNBC decided to extend the GOP debate an hour longer on October. Of course, the ball-less Republican party lead
Hillary Clinton read TPP, but American public can’t
Must be nice to be a privileged Democrat. The American public still has not been able to read the TPP
Rand Paul aide: If we don’t have opening and closing statements, CNBC can go f— themselves
It’s not just Donald Trump who is pissed off at CNBC for not allowing candidates to give opening and closing
Trump threatens to boycott next GOP debate because no opening and closing statements
Donald Trump is threatening to boycott the next GOP is on CNBC and will be held in Colorado. As is