Polls in New Hampshire have been weird. Some show Jeb Bush moving up while others have nut job John Kasich
Category: 2016 Elections
365 days until Obama is officially toast
Our long national nightmare is down to it’s final 365 days. The biggest fraud in American history that has seen
Braden Joplin Ben Carson volunteer dies in Iowa
Braden Joplin who was a Ben Carson campaign volunteer Iowa has died today after injuries sustained from a car crash
Bernie Sanders 60% – Hillary 33% in New Hampshire
How bad is it for Hillary Clinton that she is now losing nearly 2:1 in New Hampshire to an old,
Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump
Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump for president. That rumor last night has become reality today. Sarah Palin was once a
Ben Carson Iowa staffers involved in wreck, grave condition
An Iowa staffer of Ban Carson has been involved in a bad CAR CARSH and is in grave condition. Needless
Clinton emails had intel from most secretive, classified programs
According to an inspector general, several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the
Jerry Falwell Jr or Sarah Palin to endorse Trump
Donald Trump claims he has some ‘big announcement’ set for Tuesday in Iowa. According to social media and some blogs,
CNN gets February 25th GOP debate stripped from NBC
While the GOP did something right for a change by stripping NBC of the GOP debate scheduled for February 25th,
What’s the difference between Socialist and Democrat?
Democrats can never answer the question on what the difference is between them and socialists like Bernie Sanders. So what