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Maxine Waters: We have a responsibility to impeach Trump

I really love all this “impeachment” talk by the Democrats and media. Maxine Waters is at it again saying that Democrats have a responsibility to impeach Trump if they win back the House.

If by some odd reason that conservatives aren’t already motivated to turn out and prevent a communist Democrat take-over of the House, then the whole impeachment charade will be really fun to watch.

All Democrats have are coastal liberals and some uneducated rubes who fall for the “conservative” or “moderate” Democrat label mid-west Democrats run as.

Nancy Pelosi can try and downplay this act of impreaching Trump all she wants. We know that what Maxine Waters says represents the larger Democrat party as a whole. If they win the House, their first act in Congress will be impeachment.

Maxine Waters: We have a responsibility to impeach Trump
Maxine Waters: We have a responsibility to impeach Trump

On a day when top Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) tried to downplay any talk of impeaching President Donald Trump, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) declared that it is Congress’s “responsibility” to impeach Trump for “high crimes.”
Pelosi has previously said that “any discussion of impeachment” would be a “gift to Republicans” and claimed on Wednesday that impeachment is “not a priority” for Democrats.

But after Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to various campaign finance violations on Tuesday, Waters could not restrain herself, tweeting about impeachment hours after Pelosi signaled to Democrats to downplay the issue.