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Mission accomplished for NBC fake news smear of Brett Kavanaugh

NBC had a mission earlier this morning. Put out a fake, conspiracy theory about Brett Kavanaugh and SCOTUS Justice Kennedy and let it go viral. The NBC fake news conspiracy theory got retweeted over 17,000 tweets and 16,000 retweets. It’s still up from Geoff Bennett on Twitter:

Mission accomplished for NBC fake news smear of Brett Kavanaugh
Mission accomplished for NBC fake news smear of Brett Kavanaugh

The tweet deleted by hack Leigh Caldwell got over a thousands re-tweets and likes before she deleted it due to backlash.


Now look at how many retweets and favorites Bennett and Caldwell’s “correction” got:

Geoff Bennett, the NBC hack who got over 17,000 re-tweets and 16,000 likes from his original, fake news tweet hasn’t even gotten 100 retweets or favorites on his “clarification.”

And this is example #3539539 as to why the media is the enemy of the American people and should never be trusted. When you sink as low as to spread conspiracy theories about prospective SCOTUS judges because the president is Donald Trump, you’ve sunken below pond scum.

The corrupt liberal media’s agenda is clear to anyone who isn’t a Democrats. It’s disinformation, distort and lie anyway you can to try and harm the president and his picks for any position.

Until these filthy media companies start to pay the price of lost sponsors and boycotts, nothing will change. All of NBC “News” sponsors need to be put on notice. If they continue to support this slanderous “news” outfit, then no one should buy their products. Enough is enough already!