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Open borders Democrats climb Statue of Liberty

Open borders Democrats are now “protesting” to allow more illegal aliens in by climbing the Statue of Liberty. Earlier, these left wing radicals put up a banner “Abolish ICE” near the Statue of Liberty. Democrats are really depressed these days. They hate America, they hate the 4th of July and they hate capitalism. Frankly, what these leftist nut jobs are doing now is outright terrorism. Who the hell knows what these radical Democrats are carrying up to Statue of Liberty. BTW, the Statue of Liberty “climber” is a female.

Open borders Democrats climb Statue of Liberty
Open borders Democrats climb Statue of Liberty

Let’s assume for a second that this left wing nut job from the “Abolish ICE” protest earlier does not have anything like explosives with her as he climbs the Statue of Liberty. If that’s the case then by all means, please continue nut job leftists.

People are already getting tired of the antics of these left wing extremists. Forcing the people out who scheduled vacations at the Statue of Liberty today isn’t going to help the New York City economy. If this isn’t left wing terrorism, then please leftists, keep it going!