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Another liberal, fake news reporter deletes tweet blaming Trump for Annapolis shooting

Conor Berry, a leftist newspaper hack deleted the following twe

Another liberal, fake news reporter deletes tweet blaming Trump for Annapolis shooting
Another liberal, fake news reporter deletes tweet blaming Trump for Annapolis shooting

Berry worked for a Springfield, Massachusetts newspaper that did nothing to punish the left wing hack for his vile and disgusting tweet, Instead, Berry suffered so much backlash, he resigned on Friday. And this is example #2329323 why the media truly is the enemy of the people. Berry called his tweet “snarky, sarcastic, cynical.”

Berry told the Boston Globe that the tweet was intended to be a “snarky, sarcastic, cynical remark.”

In his resignation letter, Berry conceded that his tweet “taints the good work of fair-minded journalists everywhere.”

Wayne Phaneuf, executive editor of the Republican, said journalists must be “more vigilant than ever” in their efforts to be fair and accurate.

President Donald Trump, who has frequently criticized journalists for reporting “fake news,” on Friday said, “Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their jobs.”

Berry was not the first journalist to apologize for a tweet suggesting that the president or one of his supporters shared resonsibility for Thurday’s massacre.

The clown Conor Berry probably wouldn’t have to worry. He’ll likely be scooped up by CNN or MSNBC. If he sticks to fish wrap newspapers, the Boston Globe or New York Times would probably be drooling to hire him.