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When will hag Samantha Bee be fired for vicious attack on Ivanka?

Samantha Bee, who I still really have no idea who she is apparently isn’t much of a fan of Ivanka Trump, calling her a “feckless cunt” on her show on TBS last night. This is apparently in line with Time Warner “standards.” What little I know about “comedian” Samantha Bee, I could swear she could be Amy Schumer’s granny or something. They both are ugly on the inside and out. Both have no talent and neither of the two are funny. Yet they are both praised by the corrupt liberal media has “funny comedians” and can do no wrong. Even Glenn Beck, the Never Trump failing nut job loves Samantha Bee.

When will hag Samantha Bee be fired for vicious attack on Ivanka?
When will hag Samantha Bee be fired for vicious attack on Ivanka?

Samantha Bee’s attack on Ivanka Trump is different than Roseanne Barr’s attack on Valerie Jarrett. One was deemed racist, the other was given a pass by the corrupt media, Time-Warner and all the same idiots who yelled at the top of their lungs for Roseanne to be fired, or the show cancelled. While hag Samantha Bee’s attack wasn’t racist, it was equally disgusting as what Barr tweeted, expect it was actually on TV. But again, the double standards. Because Bee is a liberal progressive Democrat, it’s excused and there is no outrage on the left. So much for the war on women narrative by the Democrats.

TBS late-night host Samantha Bee is facing mounting backlash after she called White House senior advisor Ivanka Trump a “feckless cunt.” Bee’s vile remarks came one day after Roseanne Barr’s show was canceled by ABC after the actress compared former Obama administration senior advisor Valerie Jarrett to an ape.
To be sure, the Full Frontal host has a history of hurling vicious personal attacks at the women who work in President Donald Trump’s administration. Below is a list of just five of Bee’s cruel comments toward prominent White House women.

1. Ivanka Trump: “Feckless cunt.”

Samantha Bee roasted the Trump administration’s immigration policy and pleaded with Ivanka Trump “do something about your dad’s immigration practices you feckless c*nt.”