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NBC: Spanish, not English, is the most all-American language

Just when you thought the corrupt liberal media couldn’t be any more out of touch than they already were, along comes NBC claiming that Spanish, not English is the most “All-American” language and has been for centuries. Maybe that’s true in Central America, but that isn’t true in North America. Not only does this idiot at NBC blame Trump for making speaking Spanish “dangerous,” but the idiot also claims that Latinos in this country are so oppressed. Yep, it’s the typical left wing SJW BS they always try to pull. It used to be with black people. Now the Democrat’s new favorite “victims” are Hispanics. What’s next? Is NBC going to call MS-13 the “all-American gang?”

NBC: Spanish, not English, is the most all-American language
NBC: Spanish, not English, is the most all-American language

Is it dangerous to speak Spanish in public in Trump’s America? Well, sí! Just this month, we’ve seen a lawyer threaten to call ICE after he overheard people in a restaurant in Manhattan speak in Spanish, and a Border Patrol agent in Montana detain two Mexican-American women for 40 minutes because he heard the bilingual women chatting en español, because the language “is very unheard of up here,” according to la migra man.

But there are so many more examples! There was the Kentucky woman at a JC Penney in Louisville who screamed, “Go back to wherever the fuck you come from” to two Latinas. The Miami mujer who says she was kicked out of a UPS store for not speaking English. The New Jersey high school teacher who told her Latino students to “speak American.” My favorite incident still remains the Okie who railed at a Latina at a Goodwill that “on this side of the Red River, north of the Rio Grand, north of the Red River, we speak English and English only.”

But the reality is that speaking Spanish in the United States has always been dangerous: In this age of social media, the rest of the country is just learning about what Latinos have had to deal with for generations.

Many Mexican-American baby boomers lost their Spanish language skills as children because their parents didn’t foster it out of fear of discrimination. And those fear were well-founded: Chicano memoirs are chockablock with horror tales of teachers washing the mouths of students with soap for daring to speak Spanish in class. And that wasn’t even the worst school abuse: Administrators would regularly classify Spanish-dominant children as “retarded” and place them in special-education courses, severely stunting their chances at success.