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Keith Ellison to boycott NFL over anthem rule

Democrat Keith Ellison has announced plans to “boycott” the NFL after they announced new “rules” allowing players to stay in the locker rooms if they want to disrespect the national anthem. Sorry Keith Farrakhan, err Ellison, but we already boycotted the NFL. If you and other Democrats want to copy us, go ahead. Keith Ellison, like Al Franken, Jesse Ventura and Walter Mondale are all major embarrassments to Minnesota. Keep electing these dopes Minnesota.

Keith Ellison to boycott NFL over anthem rule
Keith Ellison to boycott NFL over anthem rule

The NFL is in bad enough shape as it is. We don’t need Mullah Ellison trying to help revive their brand. Their pathetic little new rules doesn’t change the fact that arrogant players can still disrespect the anthem by staying in the locker room. It isn’t enough to be bring me back to the NFL.

Have another Tide Pod “Keith.”