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Leslie McGourty – Liberal Vegas teacher planned mass shooting wanted to start #MeToo movement for mass shooters

Meet the latest example of the liberal mental disorder club named Leslie McGourty. She was a teacher at Bonanza High School in Las Vegas and was arrested for making “terrorist threats.” Those threats included doing her own mass shooting, all in the name of the liberal #MeToo movement. Leslie McGourty claimed it didn’t matter how many she could kill because she is a “woman” and will be remember. Do you need any more proof that the problem isn’t guns? It’s left wing radicals like these who get their hands on guns. Oh BTW. McGourty hasn’t been fired or even in jail. Instead, she’s “assigned to home” which means she’s on paid leave.

“I’m going to poke a lot of holes in a lot of people on Saturday.”

“I have the means, motive and brains.”

“Vegas will lose its luster after me.”

“She scared me. She always talked about her husband and divorce. Too much personal stuff. It was like scary”, said student Natalie Aldana.

“I know she always comes in talking about her boyfriends and who she dates, but I didn’t think she’d be making threats to people”, said student Lyric Lyons.

RELATED | Local teacher accused of making terror threats

Investigators say McGourty even refers to other mass murderers. She even references One October–the Las Vegas shooting which left 58 people dead.

The texts show McGourty’s friend asking her: “What was the name of the guy who shot up the Strip?”

And she responds: “Doesn’t matter. I am a woman. I will be remembered.”

Though McGourty may have never intended to carry out an attack, it was enough for police to arrest her.

The teacher is now facing a charge of making “terror threats” for her text messages.

One of the messages read:

“Maybe I will start a movement. Another #metoo movement. But this time, which women feel empowered enough to become serial killers.”

McGourty has been at Bonanza High School since August 2015.

CSSD tells News 3 she is now “assigned to home”, which essentially means she’s on paid leave.

Leslie McGourty is now the face of the #MeToo movement. You leftist hags should be so proud.