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NBC clears itself in sexual harassment investigation of Matt Lauer

Big surprise right? NBC cleared themselves after an “internal investigation” was launched after Matt Lauer was out as being one of several womanizers at NBC. Did you honestly think NBC would admit any wrongdoing on their own behalf? Of course not.

NBC clears itself in sexual harassment investigation of Matt Lauer
NBC clears itself in sexual harassment investigation of Matt Lauer

As if the general public needed any more reason to be skeptical of internal investigations by major companies.

NBC quietly released the results of its internal investigation into Matt Lauer on Wednesday, and the media giant’s findings may come as a surprise to most. Or not.

According to the report, NBC received exactly zero complaints about Lauer prior to November, when allegations of his misconduct began to publicly surface.

It states that NBC found no “contrary evidence” that Lauer had been misbehaving prior to Nov. 27, 2017, only 48 hours before Matt Lauer was fired by NBC.

“We were also unable to establish that any of those interviewed, including NBC News and Today Show leadership, News HR and others in positions of authority in the News Division, knew that Lauer had engaged in sexual activity with other employees,” the report, obtained by the Hollywood Reporter, continues. “Every such individual credibly responded that they had no such knowledge. Most witnesses interviewed stated that they had heard or read rumors about Lauer’s personal life, including tabloid stories about the troubled state of his marriage and the possibility of extramarital affairs, but those witnesses believed, with limited exceptions, that the rumored extramarital affairs were with women outside of the Company.”