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Nasim Aghdam identified as Youtube HQ shooter

Nasim Aghdam has been identified as Youtube HQ shooter in San Bruno. After more than six hours of waiting for the shooter’s name, it finally, quietly leaks out. Now you have your reason why Nasim Aghdam was wearing a head scarf despite it being warm and sunny in California. So, as usual, the media and the liberals in California got caught in a lie, claiming the shooter was a ‘white female.’ Nasim Aghdam is an Islamic name, not a Caucasian name last I checked.

Nasim Aghdam identified as Youtube HQ shooter
Nasim Aghdam identified as Youtube HQ shooter

Nasim Aghdam drove up from Riverside in Southern California. She shot a man and a woman with a handgun at Youtube before shooting herself to death. I wonder if she yelled Allahu Ackbar too? Not like the corrupt media that claimed that Nasim Aghdam was ‘white female.’ As is typical for liberal California, they are refusing to call this Islamic terrorism. Instead, they claim this was s domestic dispute. Yea, that’s why she drove up from Riverside and shot a man and a woman at Youtube.

Oh, I guess the whole NRA member conspiracy theory liberals were throwing round earlier wouldn’t work either. That’s why the media dropped this story so fast like a hot potato. After the first hour or so, the YoutubeHQ shooting disappeared from the news. Now we know why, and her name is Nasim Aghdam.