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Vanity Fair, MSNBC try to distance themselves from Kurt Eichenwald who attacked Kyle Kashuv

Vanity Fair and MSNBC are desperately trying to distance themselves from left wing wack job Kurt Eichenwald after he attack Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv. Vanity Fair and MSNBC see what happened with Hogg and Laura Ingraham. Conservatives and Second Amendment supporters are pissed that neither Vanity Fair, nor MSNBC has been punished by a sponsor boycott after Eichenwald attacked Parkland survivor far more viciously than anything Laura Ingraham tweeted about Hogg. Kurt Eichenwald called Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv ‘Desperate’ and ‘In Need of Psychiatric Help’. A bit ironic coming from someone like Eichenwald.

Vanity Fair, MSNBC try to distance themselves from Kurt Eichenwald who attacked Kyle Kashuv
Vanity Fair, MSNBC try to distance themselves from Kurt Eichenwald who attacked Kyle Kashuv

After journalist Kurt Eichenwald attacked pro-gun Parkland school-shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv, conservatives thought they’d found the liberal parallel to Laura Ingraham, the Fox News host who lost advertisers after mocking shooting survivor David Hogg for not getting into some colleges. In response to Eichenwald personally insulting Kashuv, the teenager and conservative pundits like Ben Shapiro called upon advertisers to similarly boycott MSNBC and Vanity Fair—the two outlets Eichenwald listed in his Twitter bio as his places of employment. As it turns out, Eichenwald is not affiliated with either news outlet. “Kurt Eichenwald is not a contributing editor at Vanity Fair,” the magazine told The Daily Beast on Tuesday, after he went further and suggested Kashuv might need psychiatric evaluation. Earlier in the week, Eichenwald admitted that his contract with MSNBC had expired.

Sorry Vanity Fair and MSNBC, you own wack job Eichenwald. He’s all yours.