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Hack Chris Cuomo now bashing Dana Loesch over SuperBeets

Wow, CNN and Chris Cuomo just don’t know when to quit do they? After letting their hand picked left wing mob nearly harm her at that biased town hall event held by someone (Jake Tapper) who worked for anti-2nd amendment groups in the 1990’s, Chris Cuomo is now bagging on Dana Loesch because she does those commercials for SuperBeets. Check out this tweet from CNN’s Chris Cuomo, brother of corrupt New York Democrat governor Andrew Cuomo:

Hack Chris Cuomo now bashing Dana Loesch over SuperBeets
Hack Chris Cuomo now bashing Dana Loesch over SuperBeets

I think Chris Cuomo is still butthurt after being owned by Ted Cruz this past week. He’s also probably jealous that his corrupt brother was able to go on to be governor of New York while all Chrissy could do was become an overpaid hack and Democrat mouth piece for tabloid network CNN. Well, there’s always one black sheep in the family and obviously here it’s Chris of the Cuomo family.
We’ll see if Chris Cuomo tries to play the “hacked” card or something. This is a verified Twitter account so that’s basically his only out here in his latest example of left wing bias.