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Meryl Streep calls Harvey Weinstein ‘God’

Ah those Hollywood liberals. They showed so much faux outrage when that Access Hollywood Trump tape came out a year ago. Yet they defend Jabba The Hutt of Hollywood, Harvey Weinstein. Some like Meryl Streep even call Harvey Weinstein “GOD.” The good news for old hag Meryl Streep is that she probably was never sexually harassed by anyone, let alone allegedly by Harvey Weinstein. The only thing Streep has is her money, certain not her looks.

Meryl Streep calls Harvey Weinstein ‘God’
Meryl Streep calls Harvey Weinstein 'God'

Potted plants around the world can rejoice whenever Meryl Streep is around. No one will be pleasuring themselves like “allegedly” Harvey Weinstein did with Lauren Sivan.