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Trump wins Louisiana, likely will win Kentucky

Looks like it’s going to be a 2/2 split tonight with Trump winning two states and Ted Cruz winning two states. Louisiana was called for Trump right after the polls closed as he opened up a YUGE lead. It’s like the reverse of what happened in Maine and Kansas.

Trump wins Louisiana easily, likely will win Kentucky
Trump wins Louisiana easily, likely will win Kentucky

The race was a lot closer than polls suggested. The most recent polls out of Lousiana put Trump ahead of second place by 20 or so points. It looks like he is going to win by at most 5-7% at the most. The delegate split will be pretty even.

Kentucky still hasn’t been called yet, but with 30% of the vote in, Trump has a 13% lead. The big counties, which haven’t been counted yet are not likely to vote for Cruz as they tend to be more leftist. So I think it’s safe to assume Trump will win Kentucky even though nothing is official yet.