Muhaydin Mire the Leytonstone East London terrorist who stabbed 3 this past weekend. Muhaydin Mire yelled this is for Syria, my Muslim brothers while stabbing three people. The pathetic media in America has barely covered this terorrist attack. The reports they have issued don’t mention terrorism, and instead try and make the claim that Muhaydin Mire had mental issues or something. Hey, guess what media. All Muslim terrorists have mental issues!
Good on #c4news for exploring the mental health issues of Muhaydin Mire (charged with Leytonstone attack).
Framing matters.
— Lisa Cumming (@LisaDialogue) December 7, 2015
Muhaydin Mire yelled this is for Syria, my Muslim brothers |
#YouAintNoMuslimBruv Muhaydin Mire shouted "This is for Syria" he then attempted to murder a random person. Sounds Muslim to me.
— Guide To The Bible (@GuideToTheBible) December 7, 2015
@CNN His name is Muhaydin Mire & while he stabbed people, he yelled, "this is for Syria!"
— John Doe (@littlejonnyjam2) December 7, 2015
I like how someone yelled at Muhaydin Mire ‘you ain’t no Muslim Bruh’. Seems pretty damn Islamic to me.