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San Bernadino suspect middleeastern man with beard

San Bernadino suspect is being described as a MiddleEastern man with beard. Three total people entered the Inland Regional Center building, but no description of them has gotten out. Some witness accounts say that the shooters stormed the Inland Regional Center during a Christmas party.

San Bernadino suspect middleeastern man with beard

ISIS like ski-masks eh? Of course since this is the case, the corrupt Necrogressive media will not press for details. If you are trying to catch up to three shooters, you need physical descriptions. MiddleEastern man with beard is not a sufficient enough description. There are plenty of MiddleEastern men in San Bernadino with beards. The authorities do not know yet if this is a terrorist innocent. But with the planning and execution of this mass killing, it wouldn’t surprise me if it was one.