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And the Oscar goes to.. Jenny Horne of South Carolina VIDEO

Jenny Horne, a member of the Charleston delegation, who claims to be a descendant of Jefferson Davis (a Democrat) whined like a child last night on South Carolina’s House floor about removing the the Confederate battle flag. Jenny Horne, a Republican from Dorchester gave an Oscar award winning performance about removing the Confederate battle flag.

“I’m sorry. I have heard enough about heritage. I have a heritage. I am a lifelong South Carolinian. I am a descendant of Jefferson Davis, okay, but that does not matter…Remove this flag and do it today.”

And the Oscar goes to.. Jenny Horne of South Carolina VIDEO
And the Oscar goes to.. Jenny Horne of South Carolina VIDEO

Jenny Horne is so popular, she’s been appearing on all the liberal media shows today. Jenny Horne is so popular with the left now that she was even featured on the Rachel Maddow show.

Congratsulations Jenny Horne. You are now the flavor of the month for the left. That should last about 24 hours or so, then they’ll be back to bashing you. After all, you call yourself a ‘conservative’ woman right?