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Weaper Boehner calls for Confederate review

Weaper Boehner, the closet Democrat masquerading as a Republican is now calling for a Confederate battle flag review.

Weaper Boehner calls for Confederate review
Weaper Boehner calls for Confederate review

The furor over the flag rippled through the halls of Congress on Thursday when House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) called for a review of Confederate symbols and memorabilia, which is likely to include those on display in the Capitol.

Boehner was forced to halt consideration of a government funding measure after it became engulfed by the Confederate flag controversy and whether it was appropriate to display the flags at national cemeteries where Confederate soldiers are buried.

The dispute pitted Southern conservatives who asserted that the tradition was part of their heritage against members of the Congressional Black Caucus who view the flag as a symbol of slavery and oppression.