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Michelle Malkin remembers more victims of sanctuary city policies

Kathryn Steinle is hardly the only victim of liberal sanctuary city policies. Illegals that invade the border and are treated better than actual citizens have been killing Americans for years now since these stupid liberal sanctuary cities began. Michelle Malkin on Twitter posted reminders of several people killed by illegals in sanctuary cities over just the last decade. Below are some the people Malkin posted who fell because of illegal aliens getting a home in sanctuary cities like San Francisco, Houston, Los Angeles, Fairfax County, Newark, Aurora

Vanessa Pham (Fairfax County, Virginia):

Meet 27-year-old Julio Miguel Blanco-Garcia. An illegal alien from Guatemala, he has lived and worked in Fairfax County, Va., for at least 11 years. The region is a notorious “sanctuary” for immigration law-breakers where elected officials and big business look the other way for cheap labor and cheap votes.
When he wasn’t working illegally as a construction worker in the government-fueled Boomtown ‘burb or getting himself high on drugs, Blanco-Garcia was building up a lengthy rap sheet. According to Fairfax County court records cited by the Fairfax City, Blanco-Garcia has been arrested for:
–Public swearing/intoxication in March 2010.
–Petit larceny in September 2011.
–Concealment/Price alteration of merchandise in April 2012.

Michelle Malkin remembers more victims of sanctuary city policies
Michelle Malkin remembers more victims of sanctuary city policies

Iofemi Hightower, Doshen Harvey, Terrance Aeriel, and Natasha Aeriel (Newark, New Jersey 2007):

Local NY/NJ media outlets reported chilling new details about the attack by criminal aliens on young Newark students Iofemi Hightower, Doshen Harvey, Terrance Aeriel, and Natasha Aeriel.

I guess black lives don’t matter as long as it’s illegals doing the killing.

Marten Kudles (3 years old, Aurora Colorado 2008)

Xinran Ji (Los Angeles, CA 2014)

Jonathan DelCarmen is 19. He came to this country illegally seven years ago, when he was 12. He fits the profile of the prototypical “DREAM” youth whom President Obama has granted administrative amnesty to (and wants to expand massively) — and whom open-borders advocates in both parties believe should be immune from deportation, showered with in-state college tuition discounts, and eligible for a driver’s license and eventual citizenship.
Pictured above are the horrified relatives of Xinran Ji. Ji was 24. He came to America legally to study engineering at USC.

Zina Linnik (12 years old, Tacoma 2008):

Tony, Michael and Matthew Bologna (San Francisco 2008)
This case actually got coverage in the media back in 2008. Tony, Michael and Matthew Bologna were killed by an illegal alien and El Salvadorian gang member Edwin Ramos.

Jamiel Shaw (17 years old, Los Angeles 2008)
Black lives matter crew?

Donnie Young (Denver Police, 2005):

Rodney Johnson (Houston police officer 2010)
Black lives matter crew silent again: