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Brian Williams ‘temporarily removes himself’ from NBC

Brian Williams has ‘temporarily removed himself’ from NBC Nightly News broadcast. Brian Williams gets paid $10 million per year to spew left wing propaganda on NBC. Surprising, Lester Holt will fill in for Lyin’ Brian. Lester Holt is undoubtedly a leftist, but he’s generally a decent reporter (something several lacking at NBC. Brian Williams is probably hoping all his lies just blow over so he can return to tell more lies.

You’ll never guess who left wing idiots are blaming for Williams’ fate? Yep. Rupert Murdoch and Fox News. I wonder if it’s Murdoch and Fox News fault that NBC pay lyin Brian Williams $10 milling per year?

Brian Williams 'temporarily removes himself' from NBC
Brian Williams ‘temporarily removes himself’ from NBC

While Lester Holt will be the fill in for Williams, if he is gone for good, Donald Trump thinks Rosie O’Donnell will replace Williams.

Knowing NBC, I wouldn’t be surprised.