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Leo Terrell loses it on Hannity says Idaho, Wyoming, Utah are segregated states VIDEO

leo-terrell-batshit-crazyLeo Terrell is the definition of an angry black man. Apparently, Leo Terrell thinks Idaho, Wyoming and Utah are segregated states because evil whitey is the majority of the population of those states. Leo Terrell is of course a big defender of OJ Simpson. Terrell was so over the top that he told Crystal Wright ‘You get a free pass woman.’ I assume Leo Terrell was referring to ‘evil’ white half. BTW, in case you are interested in following Crystal Wright on Twitter, her name is @GOPBlackChick. I know, it’s tough for angry black racists like Terrell when blacks stray off the progressive plantation.

Leo Terrell loses it on Hannity says Idaho, Wyoming, Utah are segregated and apartheid states

Crystal Wright calmly reacted to Terrell over the top rhetoric. She kept her cool despite being repeatedly insulted by Terrell.

I guess it’s the responsibility of the states to ‘promote’ blacks to life there. Funny, Leo Terrell didn’t utter a word about leftist lily white states like Vermont, New Hampshire or Maine. Just another leftist, race hustling hypocrite. If Al Shaprton needs a replacement for his show when he goes on vacation, Leo Terrell would be perfect! In fact, NBC should be pandering to him tight now. Maybe he can replace Bashir.