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D.C. City Council voted unanimously Redskins to Change Name – Sense of the Council to Rename the Washington National Football League Team Resolution of 2013

So what’s important in Washington DC today? ObamaCARE? Nope, Economy? Nah. Again, it’s the Redskins changing their name. Sense of the Council to Rename the Washington National Football League Team Resolution of 2013 passed by a 10-0 vote telling the Washington Redskins to change their name. This vote is nothing more symbolic than anything else. All of these DC losers have already ruined Maryland, now they are in the process of moving to and ruining Virginia. But hey, the Redskins are evil or something. Change the name of the Washington Redskins to the Thinskins. This could be their new logo:

Washington Thinskins
Washington Thinskins

The Washington, D.C., City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday to pass a symbolic resolution asking that the Washington Redskins change their name. This marks the second time the council has approved such a measure, the last time being in 2001.

The “Sense of the Council to Rename the Washington National Football League Team Resolution of 2013″ passed 10–0 on the 13-person council. Two members were absent, including former mayor Marion Barry, while the final member voted “present” because she believed the council shouldn’t have “a say one way or another.”

The resolution asks that the new name “not [be] offensive to Native Americans or any other ethnic group.” But the measure has no official authority over the team, which doesn’t even operate in Washington, D.C. (it practices and plays its games in neighboring Virginia and Maryland, respectively).