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Travis Kelce’s mommy says if you didn’t like the Paris opening ceremonies, then you are homophobic

Oh look, Travis Kelce needed to use his mommy to bash anyone offended by the Paris opening ceremonies because he didn’t want to further taint his and his girl friend (Taylor Swift’s) reputation.

Kelce’s repost called for better education and to limit “mindlessly sharing posts.”

“This is what happens when you ban books and limit education,” the Facebook post she shared read. “The Opening Ceremony of the Olympics wasn’t a mock of the Last Supper. If you have any knowledge of the Greek origin of the Olympics and the French’s rich history of theater you would have gotten this. However, because of your veiled homophobia, some of you can’t discern factual information.

“This is was what went down last night, so do your own research into the Olympics.

Here is the Facebook link to the Karen’s quoting of some other soy boy liberal calling you homophobic.