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Former Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey tells CNN hack Kaitlan Collins – media personalities need to tone it down

One group that hasn’t seen much criticism after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump is probably the group that is the most responsible. The scumbags in the media. Lie after lie, hoax after hoax, smear after smear the scumbags in the media continue to get away with gaslighting the American people. We almost had the assassination of a Supreme Court Justice inspired by the media, and now the leading presidential candidate for 2024 and former president… When does the scumbag media get held accountable for their actions?

You know, we don’t need something like this to happen again. And it doesn’t matter if you’re Democrat or Republican. All of us should be outraged at the fact that an elected official or potential elected official, former president, was targeted for assassination. That should not happen in the United States of America, period. And anything any of us can do to prevent that from happening in the future. And certainly our elected officials and activists and even media personalities need to tone it down. You’ve got a lot of people out there that are mentally unstable and they hear all this rhetoric, and they take it upon themselves to do something. That is fund- that that is a huge part of the problem. It goes beyond establishing perimeters and having snipers in place and all that sort of thing. We’ve created an environment now where violence is something that we can actually expect to happen. And that is incredibly unfortunate.