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Milwaukee radio station Civic Media agreed to edit interview with Joe Biden at White House request

And now we have another corrupt, left wing media editing interviews with Joe Biden at the request of the White House to make Biden less mumbled and jumbled than he already was. After the White House gave two black radio hosts questions they were allowed to ask the decaying vegetable, this is just the latest example of how the Democrats have come completely dictatorial.

A Wisconsin progressive radio network said it made two edits to an interview last week with President Biden at his campaign’s request, in a decision the station admitted violated “journalistic interview standards.”

Civic Media released a statement Thursday admitting that after an interview of Biden by host Earl Ingram recorded on July 3, the Biden campaign “called and asked for two edits to the recording before it aired.” The interview aired the following day with two brief portions excised, including one where Biden made an incorrect remark about the “Central Park Five” case.

“On Monday, July 8th, it was reported to Civic Media management that immediately after the phone interview was recorded, the Biden campaign called and asked for two edits to the recording before it aired,” the network said. “Civic Media management immediately undertook an investigation and determined that the production team at the time viewed the edits as non-substantive and broadcast and published the interview with two short segments removed.”