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More than 400 illegal aliens smuggled into the United States by an ISIS-affiliated network, many released by Biden

It’s only a matter of time before there’s a major ISIS linked terrorist attack in this country…. With all the illegal aliens flooding into this country, including those affiliated with ISIS, you know full well that’s the plan of these terrorist organizations. At least 400+ ISIS affiliated terrorist have been caught at the border so far this year, and many of them were released by the corrupt Biden regime..

Many of the 400 individuals were detained by CBP after illegally crossing the southern border and subsequently released into the interior of the country after they did not appear on the government’s terrorism watch list, officials told NBC News. More than 150 individuals have been arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Some of those individuals were previously deported, officials said.

Former FBI counterterrorism section chief Christopher O’Leary told NBC News, “The fact that the whereabouts were unknown is clearly alarming.”

“I believe the [U.S.] is scrambling to locate these individuals, and using the immigration charges is not uncommon,” O’Leary stated. “They are in violation of that law. And if you need to take somebody off the street, that’s a good approach to do it.”

A senior Biden administration official told NBC News, “In this case, it was the information that suggested a potential tie to ISIS because of some of the individuals involved in [smuggling migrants to the border] that led us to want to take extra care.”

“And out of an abundance of caution make sure that we exercised our authority in the most expansive and appropriate way to mitigate risk because of this potential connection being made,” the official stated.

The official noted that no information has emerged tying the illegal immigrants to any national security threats. Some of the “subjects of concern” have been charged with immigration violations; none have received terrorism-related charges.

Recent terrorist attacks in Russia have prompted the DHS to “look[] more closely” at foreign nationals from countries where ISIS has been active, NBC News reported.

A June report from the DHS’ Office of Inspector General found that ICE released more than 11,000 “high flight risk” illegal aliens into the U.S. from fiscal year 2022 through 2023, Blaze News previously reported. Over 300 of those individuals were considered to be a “high risk to public safety.”