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Fox News Bushie Karl Rove calls J6 political prisoners “thugs”, wants to arrest every “son of a bitch”

With Newsmax going limp, the only thing left is OANN. It sure as hell isn’t Trump hating Fox News, after this Karl Rove temper tantrum he just threw. He calls January 6th political prisoners “thugs”, you know, the old people who were let in by the Capitol police? He also wants to arrest all those “sons of bitches” that haven’t been arrested yet and through them in jail. Typical warmonger Bushie, typical Fox News hack, and typical Bret Baier BFF.

Fuck you Karl Rove, Fox News and the rest you warmonger neocon globalist scum!

As is the case with Liz Cheney, Karl Rove is now the left’s newest hero. When did you ever think you’d see that?