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Biden’s mental failure only revealed so FBI doesn’t have to prosecute him

Personally, I think this mental meltdown report about Joe Biden stealing classified documents as a Senator is worse than a conviction. Why? Because if Biden was actually convicted you know damn well nothing would happen to him and all he’d get (if that) would be a slap on the wrist. It also makes it harder for the Trump classified documents case. If they prosecute Trump and not Biden, then more people will learn just what the two tiered justice system is all about.

But there are other things Biden can be charged with too, and this report about Biden being too old and senile gives the FBI an excuse not to charge Biden with any other crimes.

Special Counsel Robert Hur only revealed President Joe Biden’s mental incompetency in order to explain why he was not being prosecuted, Breitbart Economics Editor John Carney told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow in a Friday interview.

Kudlow led a panel discussion with Carney, National Review Editor-in-Chief Rich Lowry, and Forbes Media Chairmen and Editor-in-Chief Steve Forbes about why Biden’s own Department of Justice (DOJ) allowed the special counsel’s report to include such damning information about his mental decline.

Carney argued that Hur’s descriptions of the president’s mental state were the DOJ’s only basis for not charging Biden in light of the report’s finding that he had “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.”

“The counsel had to explain why they weren’t going to charge him because it’s very clear he violated the law,” Carney said. “The special counsel believes he did so willfully. They just believe that a jury looking at Joe Biden would say, ‘I don’t know. That guy has no idea what’s going on.’ And, so, we don’t have a chance of getting him convicted. So, we can’t charge him because the FBI guidelines say don’t charge somebody if you don’t think there’s a chance of [conviction].”

“They think he willfully committed the crime,” he continued. “They just don’t think they could get a conviction. That’s why they put it in there.”