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Claudine Gay “allegedly” had roles the Epstein, Weinstein scandals

Is every damn communist Democrat a fucking pervert or child sex trafficker? Not only did Claudine Gay excuses anti-Semitism at Harvard, she even had roles “allegedly” in the Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein scandals. I guess certain types of Jewish people she likes.

Gay’s Role in the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal
The previous Edgerley Family Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences who Gay replaced in 2018, Michael Smith, had drawn too much heat for the numerous scandals he himself was embroiled in… such as the fact that he had approved Jeffrey Epstein’s phone & office (the Program on Evolutionary Dynamics is part of FAS). Claudine Gay allowed Michael Smith to get away scot-free in the Harvard-Epstein ties investigation — she came in and nicely whitewashed it all away. Claudine Gay has Epstein coverup stink on her, and Michael Smith has major Epstein stink on him.

Gay’s Role in the Harvey Weinstein Scandal
In February 2019, this hit piece was published in the Crimson which decried the fact that Ronald Sullivan, a law professor at Harvard Law School, had taken on the infamous Harvey Weinstein as a client.

I found it highly inappropriate/unethical that Gay went out of her way to drag Sullivan through the dirt here. Obviously, even the scummiest of scumbags deserve proper legal representation, no? Plus, as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science, the Law School is not her fiefdom. She went out of her way to cause a big stink over it anyways. She even commissioned a survey of students to gauge how they feel about Sullivan — something that had never been done before.