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Lady Gaga’s daddy pissed off migrants are ruining his precious Upper West Side New York neighborhood

I didn’t think much of Greg Abbott bussing illegal migrants to New York and the Northeast in the beginning. I figured it was just another RINO stunt as Abbott has appeared to be a clone of George W. Bush.. But it’s really working. So called “sanctuary cities” and states suddenly don’t want illegal migrants anymore. Even ugly hag Lady Gaggag’s daddy is pissed off now!

Joe Germanotta, who also happens to be Lady Gaga’s 66-year-old dad, is angry over a migrant surge that’s ruining his precious Upper West Side neighborhood.

And here we have more proof that Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R-TX) brilliant decision to ship these illegals in the thousands to blue cities like New York is pure genius. Believing its distance from the border would protect it forever from the consequences; New York City smugly declared itself a sanctuary city. Abbott, who is dealing with His Fraudulency Joe Biden opening the border, said, Okay, if you want’em, you got ‘em.

And because it’s a helluva lot cheaper to hand these illegals a bus pass or plane ticket than to house them, it’s off to these smug sanctuary cities they go. And now the smugs who smugly declared border states racist for demanding a secure border are getting a glorious taste of their own smug medicine: