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Most disliked GOP candidate running in 2024: Chris Christie (followed by Mike Pence)

Loser Chris Christie has been all over CNN whining and bashing Trump as they eat that crap up. Followed closely behind on CNN’s list of favored GOP candidates is Judas Mike Pence. Both these RINO losers share another thing in common. Both care more about Ukraine than this country and popped off to the corrupt country to suck up to Zelenski.

One more thing these two chodes have in common. They are the most hated of the GOP candidates.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is the most disliked Republican candidate in the GOP primary field, this week’s Morning Consult survey found.

As is consistent with past weekly surveys, Trump continues to stand as the candidate with the highest favorability among Republicans, with 71 percent viewing him favorably. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis comes in second place with 63 percent reporting a favorable view of the presidential hopeful. Both Trump and DeSantis, however, see roughly a quarter of respondents reporting an unfavorable view of them — 26 percent and 23 percent, respectively.

Half view former Vice President Mike Pence favorably, but he has the second highest unfavorable rating among all candidates listed, coming in with 39 percent reporting an unfavorable view.

While remaining candidates have favorable ratings under 50 percent, many of them still suffer from a lack of name-recognition. For instance, 48 percent have a favorable view of anti-woke businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, and 13 percent have an unfavorable view. However, nearly a quarter, 23 percent, have never heard of him.

Five of the candidates listed have a favorable rating underwater — former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, former Rep. Will Hurd, and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the last of whom has the highest unfavorable rating of all the candidates.

Forty-five percent view Christie unfavorably, compared to 24 percent who have a favorable view. Another 13 percent said they have never heard of him, and 17 percent said they have heard of him but have no opinion.